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Member Directory


Not all members are posted in the directory.  Only those who have requested a listing.  Click on the district below to find the breeder listings for that region.  Feel free to contact an officer for more contacts.  If you are a member and have Tans for sale, please send your information to our webmaster so we can help breeders seeking stock!


ARBA District 1

Alaska, Idaho, Montana, Oregon, Washington, Wyoming

& Canada (Saskatchewan, Alberta, British Columbia, Yukon Territory)


ARBA District 2

Arizona, California, Hawaii, Nevada, Utah & Mexico


ARBA District 3

Iowa, Minnesota, Nebraska, North Dakota, 

South Dakota & Wisconsin 


ARBA District 4

Arkansas, Colorado, New Mexico, Oklahoma & Texas


ARBA District 5

Illinois, Kansas & Missouri


ARBA District 6

Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Louisiana, Mississippi,

Tennessee & Puerto Rico


ARBA District 7

Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New York,

Rhode Island, Vermont & Canada (QUE, NF, NB, NS, PEI)


ARBA District 8

Indiana, Kentucky, Michigan, Ohio & Canada (Manitoba and Ontario)


ARBA District 9

Delaware, Maryland, New Jersey, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, South Carolina,

Virginia, Washington DC, West Virginia & Foreign

Submit your listing!


Listings with expired memberships, a non-working link and/or e-mail or reported inaccurate information will be deleted.  Please help us keep this listing up to date by notifying us of any changes to prevent your link from being removed.


All of the following information is required unless otherwise indicated. Submissions in which required information is missing information will not be added. 

  • Breeder(s) Name

  • Rabbitry Name:

  • State:

  • E-mail address and/or phone number: (at least one method of contact is required, both can be submitted if desired)

  • Website (optional):

  • Varieties (colors) raised:

  • ATRSC Membership Expiration Date (you must be a current member of the ATRSC)

Please e-mail all of the above information to: Please allow one week for posting/updates.

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