Tan Tribune
The Tan Tribune is a club newsletter published by the American Tan Rabbit Specialty Club six times a year. In order to reduce club expenses, most of our members have elected to receive the Tribune via email. It is available via postal mail as well for those without internet access.
If you would like to submit content or have any questions regarding the Tan Tribune, please contact: tanclubnewsletter@gmail.com.
Upcoming deadlines
​Tribune content is due to the editor by the 15th of the month every other month beginning in January (i.e., January, March, May, July, September and November).
Ad Rates
Full page Ad for one year: $110
Full page Ad for one issue: $20
Half page Ad for one year: $50
Half page Ad for one issue: $10
Quarter page Ad for one year: $25
Quarter page Ad for one issue: $5
Ad payment should be paid payable to ATRSC and sent to: Paula Schutz 105 Ulsterville Road Pine Bush, New York 12566. Payment must be received in full and processed before the ad is submitted to the Tribune editor

[Photo credit: Maddie Pratt]